Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Christmas traditions...

Every year I buy at least one new ornament for Christmas and I like to buy one of my yearly additions when I'm on holiday during the summer.

This way my Christmas ornaments remind my family and I of all the cool places that we have visited around the world.

This summer a part of our holiday was spend in Denmark and I bought this sign in a small town called Ebeltoft. 
It is not as exotic as it's my birth-country, but I felt a real connection when I finished this Christmas arrangement in our hallway.

"God Jul" = "Merry Christmas"

It's to me a lovely combination with the nature around me here in Bayern, where I am so lucky to live next to a big forest with plenty of pine trees, moss and also a few Larch trees that "gives" me the lovely coned branches.

Santa from Maui 2006

1 comment:

Katja | Shift Ctrl Art said...

I really like that idea about getting it in the summer!